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Tag Archives: crap
Crap, crap, crap, Bayh-Dole, and crap talking points
Think of these as presentation slides, but without the actual mental pain of seeing slides. Bayh-Dole has failed to produce the outcomes claimed has destroyed university research freedom and technology transfer is a drafting nightmare of inconsistencies, half-hearted gestures, and … Continue reading
Crap, crap, crap, Bayh-Dole, and crap (short attention span version)
Bayh-Dole is crap. Bayh-Dole practice is crap. Bayh-Dole outcomes are crap. Universities bluff about Bayh-Dole and about their metrics. Federal agencies don’t protect the public from university patent abuse. Federal agencies don’t act on the rights Bayh-Dole reserves for them. … Continue reading
AAU, APLU, and others aim to “bolster” federal technology transfer, 7
Frankly, I am weary of working through the HEAs’ nonsense advice to NIST. I expect you are too. Bullshit is so much more difficult to pin down than carefully reasoned discussion. It’s worth respecting carefully reasoned discussion, even if one … Continue reading
The mistaken assumptions of Bayh-Dole, 2
We are working with an article by Sean O’Connor to get at an underlying problem with discussion of Bayh-Dole. O’Connor, a law professor, appears to be working diligently to find a way to “fix” Bayh-Dole so that universities end up … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole
Tagged Bayh-Dole, Bremer, crap, Latker, NIST, O'Connor, patent rights clause, Stanford v Roche
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