Here are discussions of university patent policies and statements regarding Bayh-Dole, previously published at Research Enterprise. For those articles published as a sequence, I am gathering them into single articles.
History of University Patent Policies
Brief Mentions
Santa Clara University, Caltech, and Yale
Boston University, New York University, Washington University
Abstraction as an Obfuscating Drafting Technique in University Patent Policies
Northwestern University and North Carolina State University
Longer Treatments
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
1962 University of Arizona patent policy allowed inventors to choose their agent
University of Arkansas
Brown University
University of California
University of California’s Office of the President self-servingly misrepresents Bayh-Dole
Dealing with compulsory assignment policies, Part 1 (California)
Catholic University of America
Bayh-Dole served up by the Catholic University of America’s general counsel
University of Colorado
Cornell University
Cornell’s incompetent "procedural revision" of its patent policy
University of Florida
Florida State University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Atlantic’s patent policy misrepresents Bayh-Dole four ways in just one sentence
University of Iowa
University of Iowa’s patent policy claims reduced to simple terms
University of Michigan
The University of Michigan’s Mess of Intellectual Property Policy
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Ohio State University
University of Oklahoma
Sooner or later, Oklahoma IP counsel might get it right about inventions
Penn State University
Penn State’s Protection Racket
Bayh-Dole Bombast in Penn State’s 2001 Report on Technology Transfer
University of Pittsburgh
The University of Pittsburgh’s Fake News Summary of Bayh-Dole
University of Southern California
University of Texas
From Provider to Predator: University of Texas Patent Policy
University of Utah
University of Utah’s Policy on State Control of Research Results
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy
Transmogrifying Bayh-Dole into University Self-Interest, Wisconsin-style
Wisconsin continues to defy the US Supreme Court, five years on
The Unofficial University of Wisconsin Patent Policy, c. 1960