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Tag Archives: repeal
Bayh-Dole’s repeal is more worser Bayh-Dole
I’ve worked this idea before, but I will try again. What happens if Bayh-Dole is repealed? First, things fall back to EO 12591, which stipulates that the heads of federal departments and agencies shall, among other things (1)(b)(4): promote the … Continue reading
Repeal 35 USC 207 and 209, barriers to public use of federally owned inventions
Bayh-Dole does not authorize federal agencies to enforce patents on federally owned inventions. Federal agencies do not need patent enforcement for non-exclusive licensing. give up enforcement in exclusive licensing. Federal exclusive licensing is ineffectual and disrupts rather than promotes public … Continue reading
Repeal of Bayh-Dole
There are lots of calls to repeal Bayh-Dole. That would be a good thing to do. Bayh-Dole has been a failure, just like the NIH’s IPA program on which it was based, which was shut down in 1978 as ineffective … Continue reading
Fantasy depictions of technology transfer, 3
Despite all this discussion of university fantasy depictions of a technology transfer process, their invocation of the Bayh-Dole Act as their justification, and the reality that actual practice is nowhere like their depictions of process, success, or history, there are … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole, Innovation, Policy
Tagged 35 USC 287, ants, Bayh-Dole, Dean Baker, repeal
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Repeal or reform Bayh-Dole?
It seems repealing is the activity of the moment when it comes to health care insurance, but it’s not at all clear that the replacement law will do much for the price of prescription drugs. And the problem is not … Continue reading