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Tag Archives: SBIR
Five Steps to Restoring an Effective University IP Practice, Step 4
We are working through five steps to getting a university back to an effective IP practice, a practice aligned with academic values and focused on actual technology transfer. The idea of “technology transfer” is bureaucratic in origin. As a concept … Continue reading
Posted in History, Policy, Sponsored Research
Tagged royalty schedule, SBIR, sponsored research, technology transfer
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The Arizona Commerce Authority Guidance on Bayh-Dole, 5
What might the Arizona Commerce Authority do to revise their guidance? Here are some helpful suggestions. First, audience. Focus on small company issues and leave the nonprofits for another time. There’s plenty written for nonprofits elsewhere. Give an account of … Continue reading
The Arizona Commerce Authority Guidance on Bayh-Dole, 1
Here is the Arizona Commerce Authority providing advice about IP and the Bayh-Dole Act in the SBIR/STTR programs to small businesses. The article was apparently written a decade ago, updated with a note after Stanford v Roche (2011), and apparently … Continue reading
Research Enterprise Policy Issues: noisy work, quiet work
Let’s discuss practice around research, invention, and enterprise. Let’s start distinguish quiet work and noisy work. When someone is doing unprovoked research on their own–in the proverbial laboratory (institutional) or garage (unaffiliated, gadgeteer, entrepreneur), their work tends to be quiet. … Continue reading
Posted in Innovation, Sponsored Research
Tagged noisy, quiet, SBIR
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