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Tag Archives: reasonable
The use of the patent system for federal research results, 4: Forman
We are looking slowly at FSA order 110-1, the policy that starts the administrative battle over how federal funding ought to affect company opportunities to profit on matters of public health. The FSA, having insisted that research results should be … Continue reading
Posted in History, Patents, Policy
Tagged 110, Forman, FSA, public interest, reasonable
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Bayh-Dole Basics, 8: Reasonable Terms Comments-6
Now let’s look at the transmogrification of the definition of practical application from Kennedy to Bayh-Dole. In doing so, we also will see how the usage of “reasonable terms” arises, along with Bayh-Dole’s introduction of “reasonably satisfies.” This gets detailed. … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole, History, Policy
Tagged Bayh-Dole, FRAND, Kennedy patent policy, reasonable
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On reasonable terms
Here is the definition of to the point of practical application in the Federal Procurement Regulation, finalized in 1975, just five years before Bayh-Dole (41 CFR 1-9.107-5(a)(5)): “To the point of practical application” means to manufacture in the case of … Continue reading
To fix Bayh-Dole on reasonable pricing, why not start by enforcing the law?
I spent some time working through whether Bayh-Dole requires reasonable pricing. The simple answer is “No.” Of course, the simple answer isn’t very helpful, or accurate. Bayh-Dole does not require reasonable pricing by design of those drafting the bill. The … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole
Tagged Bayh-Dole, competition, IPA, march-in, policy, price, reasonable
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3 Reasonable Approaches to University IP Policy
There are three relatively well-formed ways that a university might acquire rights to inventions made by faculty. Let’s review, starting with the clearest and simplest. Donation An inventor donates an invention to the university and the university agrees to accept … Continue reading