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Tag Archives: disease
War and Publification of Medicine Development, 3
Think of it this way, at least simplistically. You are patent counsel for the NIH in 1968. You have no control over how the NIH allocates funding, and the NIH chooses to fund lots of research and declines to fund … Continue reading
War and Publification of Medicine Development, 2
The “war on disease” usage asserts a primary federal government role in directing the research and development of disease-directed therapies. The “war” usage asserts that the “market” for treating disease with new therapies–inventive therapies–is a governmental market, and that patents … Continue reading
War and Publification of Medicine Development, 1
In 1944, President Roosevelt asked Vannevar Bush to respond to four questions (or, perhaps it was Vannevar Bush who arranged for President Roosevelt to ask him four questions). These questions formed the foundation for his report Science the Endless Frontier. … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole, Policy
Tagged Bayh-Dole, disease, invention, publification, Vannevar Bush, war
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