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Tag Archives: commons
Faculty Strategies for Getting Their IP Back, 2
Here are some strategies for getting IP back that don’t work or avoid IP ownership. (1) Don’t disclose an invention to the university, and file for a patent on your own. Your application will be published in a year or … Continue reading
The new rule
I once created a game I called “Tradition.” I was trying to find games with simple rule sets. In Tradition, the only rule was you could make a rule or make a move. At the outset, then, the only move … Continue reading
Posted in Commons, Innovation, Shanzhai, Social Science
Tagged adventure, commons, knights, life, management, self-organization, tradition
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WARF, Vitamin D, and the Public Interest, 3
The appeals court in Vitamin Technologists sets up the case for compulsory licensing of inventions owned by public universities as instruments of state governments. That is, the appeals court establishes the basis for public march-in when a state owns a … Continue reading
“Only assholes get patents…”
Slashdot points to a recent blog post by Marco Arment on dealing with feature copying and imitation in software apps. Arment summaries copyright and trademark angles, noting that neither provides much defense. He then moves on to patents: Only assholes … Continue reading
The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 11
The article starts way back at 1: The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 1 Capitalism and commons The dichotomy between capitalism and commons is even evident in the history of WARF. Here’s a footnote from Cronon and Jenkins on … Continue reading
The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 10
This series starts here: The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 1 Medicinal chemistry drives the whole of federal patent policy The IPA program, revived in 1968 by the NIH following the Harbridge House report, which singled out medicinal chemistry … Continue reading
Posted in Bad Science, History, Policy, Sponsored Research
Tagged 5-FU, Bayh-Dole, capital, commons, PHS, public interest, WARF
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How can universities demonstrate they aren’t patent trolls?
Let’s say, just for the sake of argument, that university administrators at places like Caltech don’t want to be labelled patent trolls. What might make it clear that universities are not just one more set of patent trolls? “We’re not … Continue reading
Posted in Agreements, Commons, Freedom, Policy
Tagged commons, license, patent, public good, troll
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