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Tag Archives: antitrust
Bayh-Dole, Competition, Reasonable Terms, and March-in (Short Version)
How are competition, reasonable terms, and march-in related in Bayh-Dole? Here is the short version. Bayh-Dole stipulates that a contractor must timely achieve practical application of a subject invention and must reasonably satisfy public health needs in doing so. 35 … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole
Tagged antitrust, Bayh-Dole, competition, cry, march-in, reasonable terms
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The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 8
The start of this article is here: The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 1 More WARF Antitrust: 5-FU WARF encountered multiple antitrust problems. Consider this account from Cronon and Jenkins: This is pre-Bayh-Dole, of course, but also pre-revived IPA, and … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole, History, Policy, Sponsored Research
Tagged 5-fluorouracil, 5-FU, antitrust, Bayh-Dole, IPA, WARF
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The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 7
The start of this article is here: The IPA and Wisconsin’s 1969 Patent Policy, 1 WARF’s Charter and Antitrust WARF’s charter was designed to prevent the University of Wisconsin from using its money for non-scientific research–social sciences, humanities, and the … Continue reading
Posted in Bayh-Dole, History, Policy, Sponsored Research
Tagged antitrust, march-in, patent, policy, public covenant, scientific research, Steenbock, vitamin D, WARF
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